Humanity has wakened up to the fact that global warming possesses existential threat to human race. Nations are taking strict measures to curve pollution and switch over to clean and green energy sources. All the Statesmen came together and pledged to reduce Earth’s temperature vide tariff declaration. Steel industry being one of the biggest contributors of green house gases has taken drastic steps to reduce emission and further steps are on the anvil. Thus we see direct reduction of iron-ore by hydrogen, coal gasification, innovative ideas for recycling of waste etc. Refractory industry too as a responsibility industry segment cannot remain immune to this healthy global trend. Already a number of companies have chalked out their own Reduce – Reuse – Recycle path. It is also important to point out that a change in process route in steel making calls for a deeper understanding on its impact on refractory lining. IREFCON 2024 aims to serve as an important platform for techno-economic idea exchange. As the industry seeks wake to chalk out a green path .The ideas are endless, the possibilities are immense. It is high time we nurture and sting the possibilities into an unison action of saving mother Earth. Hence the theme of IREFCON 2024 is “Powering a greener future together”.